I've heard it said that a garden can teach almost every spiritual lesson there is to learn. Whether or not it is entirely true, I definitely think there is something about a garden - and the plant world in general - that helps me understand life with God in deeper ways.
[ Side note: For those of you who have been around this blog for a while, you may have noticed that most of my entries include a picture of something plant-related. I am honestly not totally sure why I have tended to be drawn to this visual theme. It feels like one of those things that I didn't necessarily set out make happen, but now that it has, I'm really happy about it. Maybe sub-consciously there was a deeper reason for it, who knows. I suppose there must be a part of me that resonates quite a bit with that idea of plants and gardening helping to portray spiritual truths. ]
Of all the plants out there, I am especially drawn to trees. As is true of many parts of creation, trees are really pretty amazing. To think that something so huge and strong and majestic can come from something that started out as a tiny little thing in the dirt is nothing short of miraculous.
But what I often take for granted is that in order for a tree to become a full-grown tree, it takes a really really really long time. My first thought when I'm looking at a forest is not necessarily, wow, it must have taken such a long time for these trees to grow this big... I wonder what kinds of hard things they had to go through to become what they are now. While I might feel a sense of awe at the beauty of the trees now, I don't tend to take into consideration the incredible amount of time it took them to become so big and beautiful.
Maybe growth often happens like the way trees grow. Slowly, so slowly. Sometimes I feel like I'm never changing. But if people are like trees, I guess the fact is you don't necessarily see a tree changing a lot of the time - well, except I suppose when the leaves change or fall - but as far as growth goes, you don't really see it as it's happening. But then when you look back and remember how it used to look, you suddenly realize it looks a lot bigger or different. Maybe it's kind of like that with us as people too.
Or what about something like a new Christian school district? Or a family? Or a gift or talent within you? How often do we look at ourselves, our lives, maybe our work or a relationship we're in and feel like NOTHING IS HAPPENING? Or worse, maybe we feel like a particular thing is wilting or getting worse instead of better. Maybe we feel helpless to do something more to make the thing grow.
But let's go back to how a tree grows. If I am looking at a tree, I could stare at it for hours and hours and never see any evidence that it's growing.
But it is.
Slowly. So slowly.
And yes, there are some things I can do to help it grow. Plant it in a spot where it can get sunlight. Water it. Maybe in its young and tender stages, prop it up with a support. But ultimately, I must continually put it in God's hands and trust that He will enable it to grow. Most likely, it will take much longer than I would like. But in the end, by God's grace, there will be a beautiful, tall, strong tree.
Pray with me...
... for God to protect and strengthen Alliance Christian School District as it grows.
I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.
1 Corinthians 3:6-9
... that all in the ACSD community would grow in our trust in the Lord with our work and all of our lives.
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12
... for the Lord to provide exactly what is needed for BCS and WCA to continue to grow.
Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures through all generations. The Lord is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does. The Lord upholds all who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down. The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time. You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing. Psalm 145:13-16
Soli Deo Gloria
To God alone be the glory
~ Carrie Warner, ACSD Prayer Team Coordinator
Thanks for taking the time to read this blog and pray for BCS/WCA! Lord willing, I plan to publish a new blog post weekly on Wednesdays throughout the school year. Feel free to subscribe (at the bottom of this page) if you'd like to be notified each time a new blog post has been published. We also have a prayer team that is always open for new pray-ers to join. If you'd like to learn more, just email me at cwarner@alliancechristian.org.
I love trees too! I usually focus on the differences in shape and leaves as we walk. I love to find their shade and protection from the sun. I hadn't thought of all the time it took for them to get to the incredible size that I appreciate. Sometimes when one has fallen or been cut down we like to try to count the rings and imagine what has taken place in the world as it has grown. Thanks so much for sharing and spurring my interest in God's amazing creation again, Carrie!