The idea for this song came out of a conversation I had with another ACSD staff member. We were talking about how ultimately the change we want to see in our students needs to happen in their hearts. Yes, it's good to train them in right actions and help them to make good choices, but if we desire to see them become true followers of Jesus, it has to be something that happens within them. My hope is that the words of this song can be a prayer for each of us, a way for us to intercede for the children under our care and to be reminded that we ourselves are also children under the care of our Good Shepherd.
SHEPHERD SONG (click the video above to watch/listen) words and music by Carrie Warner
Shepherd their hearts, God
Watch over them all
The weak and the frail ones
The big and the small
For those that are breaking
Lord what can we do But bring them to Jesus
The Shepherd that's true
Oh Jesus be their Guide
The One they depend on
The One by their side
Don't leave them on their own
Their hearts need a shepherd
To carry them home
Shepherd their minds God
The thoughts deep inside
The ones that they speak of
And those that they hide
Their minds are like gardens
Where so much can grow
Plant seeds of Your truth there
That they'll deeply know
Oh Jesus be their Guide
The One they depend on
The One by their side
Don't leave them on their own
Their minds need a shepherd
To carry them home
You alone can see inside
You alone are there
Holding outstretched arms
If they could see how much You care
Would they run to You?
Would they cry to You?
Would You wipe away their tears?
Singing over them
With Your perfect love
That can drive out all their fears
As we look to You
We remember that
Our own hearts are needy too
We are all like sheep
Who have gone astray
Every one of us can pray ...
Shepherd our hearts, God
We cry out to You
We all need a shepherd
To carry us through
From glory to glory
You're changing us all
With grace beyond measure
On which we now fall
Oh Jesus be our Guide
The One we depend on
The One by our side
Don't leave us on our own
We all need a shepherd
To carry us home
Lord You are our Shepherd
You are our home

Thanks for taking the time to read this blog and pray for Alliance Christian School District! Lord willing, I plan to publish a new blog post weekly throughout the school year. Feel free to subscribe (at the bottom of this page) if you'd like to be notified each time a new blog post has been published. We also have a prayer team that is always open for new pray-ers to join. If you'd like to learn more, email me at
~ Carrie Warner, ACSD Prayer Team Coordinator
Soli Deo Gloria
To God alone be the glory
So true… the change has to start in our hearts! What a wonderful spirit-filled song. ‘Our Shepherd’ has kind of been a theme for my sisters and I the last couple months. Thank you for this blog ministry, Carrie!